David lives in the ward and has lead initiatives to improve Sutton Coldfield including regular litter, graffiti and gum clean ups and a Town Centre Regeneration Plan. He chairs the Trinity Ward Committee, Sutton Park Advisory Committee and Birmingham Council Nature Policy Group as well as being a school govenor at Arthur Terry. You can contact David on 0121 354 2229 or at [email protected] was re-elected on 7th May.
David Allan has lived in Sutton Coldfield for 45 years with his wife and four children. David is a Chartered Engineer with a career in the UK electricity industry culminating as the manager of a large power station and as an engineering consultant. He was also a Governor of Bishop Vesey for eight years.
Keith Ward lives on Wheatmore Road. ‘‘I have lived in Sutton all of my life. I have run one of the Town's best known pubs (The Station) for 13 years and am a board member for the Sutton Coldfield Business Improvement District. It was my involvement with the BID that made me want to stand for the Parish Council. Sutton needs local people with local knowledge backed up by an experienced and organised party.