Andrew Mitchell MP visited Walmley Junior School to speak with Year Six students about their recent trip to Parliament and take part in a quick-fire question and answer session.
Sutton’s MP spoke about his work as the local Member of Parliament and pointed out that he represents all of his constituents at Westminster regardless of how an individual voted at the polls.
Andrew Mitchell also took the opportunity for a discussion with the Head Teacher and Chair of Governors as he toured the school and heard about ‘Worldwide Walmley’, a programme which encourages the children to think about the wider world as well as local issues.
Andrew Mitchell MP said “I wanted to visit Walmley Junior School and congratulate them on the ‘outstanding’ grade they achieved at their last Ofsted inspection.
“School children are always my toughest audience and I was very impressed with the variety of questions the students had prepared following their trip to the House of Commons.”