Westminster Supper Club 13th May 2011 Sutton Coldfield Conservatives will be hosting another Westminster Supper Club at Aston Wood Golf Club on Friday 13th May. Tickets will be £16.00 for members and £18.00 for guests for an excellent two course meal with coffee and mints. Speaker TBC
Italian Evening 26th March 2011 New Hall branch will be hosting their ever popular Italian Evening at 8.00pm on 26th March at the home of Mrs Mal Beadman (please contact the office on 0121 354 2229 for more information). Tickets are £14.00 and include a fabulous feast of Italian cuisine.
Spring Lunch 2nd March 2011 Boldmere Ladies Branch will be hosting a Spring Lunch at the Goldeslie Club on Goldeslie Road at 12:00 on 2nd March. Tickets are £10.00. There will be a raffle and a bring and buy. Please contact the office on 0121 354 2229 for more details.