Birmingham City Council's proposed Parking Charges in Sutton Park
Today, Labour-led Birmingham City Council announced their intentions of imposing parking charges on Sutton Park.
Your conservative team in Sutton Coldfield remains completely opposed to any charges for the use of Sutton Park. It remains a precious landmark and jewel of the Royal Town and residents should not be penalised for wanting to use it all in order to finance Labour's financial black hole in Birmingham.
Conservative Councillor David Pears has said regarding this issue:
"Several times over recent years Birmingham Council has tried to introduce charges for parking in Sutton Park. Last time we had a ward meeting in the Bedford Suite and the room was full with over 100 residents. Officers came forward without fully costed plans which were robustly rejected by residents.
"So officers have been looking again along with costings of work needed to improve roads ,car parks and introduction of parking restrictions have not been shared with us.
"A survey has been launched today by Birmingham City Council: Proposed parking charges at Sutton Park - Page 1 of 3 - Birmingham City Council - Citizen Space
"Asking resident views based on charging on times 9am to 6pm 365 days a year, what improvements residents would like to see, what would be reasonable charge and option of a season ticket. The survey needs to be completed by 6th December.
"Residents in Sutton Coldfield pay enough in rates to be able to use an open green spaces without charge.
"An introduction of a scheme would encourage more on street parking, causing misery for residents living near the park. After all the council cannot enforce existing yellow lines around many other areas of Sutton so why should the new areas be any different.
"Birmingham City Council cannot afford to repair pot holes in roads around the town do we really expect them do a better job in Sutton park?
"The last time any real money was spent in the Park was in 2011 when I got £250K from a Conservative Controlled Birmingham council, since 2012 when Labour came in control like the rest of Sutton, the park has been neglected.
"We know over the last 12 years under Labour BCC has got into a financial crisis of their own making. It is bankrupt so why should residents pay a charge to help fill a black hole, as make no mistake not all the money raised from such punitive charges be spent back in our precious park!
"I put forward an option to help the park, which was supported by consultants working for the Town Council of a Trust management model. This would help fund the park in the future rather than rely upon BCC and SCTC solely in the future as a trust could apply to other funders such as Lottery etc.
"The Town Council put the options Birmingham Council ,and the Labour Cabinet Member replied in a letter to the leader Simon Ward of Sutton Coldfield Town Council kicking the proposals into the long grass.
"So the Town council option was rejected and now we are faced with unwelcome charges.
"So I encourage residents to respond to the survey attached to this article.
"We are also having a public meeting at Sutton Town Hall on 27th November at 7pm at the Bedford Suite to discuss this urgent concern for many residents across Sutton. I will continue to fight against these charges and for all residents to be able to use our beloved park free of charge."
Cllr David Pears remains committed to fighting to keep parking free for residents on Sutton Park